Buoyage of the fairway up to Sønderho Havn
With regards to a safe passage we recommend, that you read the text about the buoyage principles and fairway up to Sønderho! – Starboard and port markings could fool you!
Jetty and floating pontoons
There is no jetty in Sønderho Havn. Therefore, it is advised to moor boats at the sandbank along the fairway or to swing at anchor.
At the dock off Børsen there is a 40 metre long and two-metre-wide footbridge (or quay), that ends as a floating pontoon with a deck of oak planks.
The ponton, with a freeboard of 50 centimetric, is moving with the tide. The mean tide amplitude at Fanø is about 1.3 metre. Therefore, the pontoon is connected to the footbridge by a hinged access boardwalk. You may moor at the quay. However, with regards to other skippers, we kindly ask you only to use the quay as short time as possible.
Further, there is another, but smaller pontoon in the dock with a 35 centimetric freeboard.
Weather forecast and tide gauge
Link to information about Tide, water levels, wind and weather at Sønderho Havn.
On dmi.dk you can also download local Tide tables for i.e., Esbjerg, Nordby, Ribe Lock (Ribe Kammersluse) and Mandø.
Mud and sludge, which many simply call mud, are fine-grained material or clay. It is a natural part of the Wadden Sea, deposited in connection with the movements of the tides. In Sønderho Harbor, where the water almost stands still twice a day, the fine material is deposited, which, unlike sand, has poor load-bearing capacity. Therefore, if you venture beyond the water's edge, you will experience that your shoes and boots sink into the mud. It is certainly not pleasant, and it can be difficult to get the rubber boots back up.
So do not let your children venture into the water, even though it may be tempting!
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Sidst opdateret 22. marts 2025
Kontakt foreningen
Sønderho Havn Støtteforening
Formand Brian Schmidt Nielsen
Tlf.: 21 68 00 80
Mail: info@sonderhohavn.dk